Want to make (potentially lots of) money by referring people to Trust Metric products and services?
It’s easy!
How does being an affiliate work?
Start by signing up as an affiliate on the link below. It’s free and currently open to anyone interested.
Once signed up, you have access to a unique affiliate link. This link can be shared on your website, to your email list, on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or even in person. You can also directly email the links to friends or colleagues who you would like to recommend us too.
When someone visits our site through your link, a cookie (a little piece of harmless code) gets put on their computer. This cookie last for 3 months as long as cookies are being retained.
Any purchase of products or services made immediately through your referral link, or while the cookie is still active will trigger a referral to you.
There is a 30 day delay in paying out any affiliate sales to account for the (very low) possibility of refunds. Referrals are paid on the first day of the next month after this 30 day period.
Commission Rates
We currently pay the following commission rates:
70-point SEO audit – 40%
Hourly coaching / consulting packages – 20% for each purchase
Ongoing marketing packages – 15% of first month’s payment
To give you an idea of how much money you could make as a Trust Metric affiliate:
- Referring one SEO audit sale is the approximate equivalent of $70AUD (or $115AUD if an express audit is purchased)
- Referring a sale of four hours of pre-paid hourly coaching / consulting is the approximate equivalent of $160AUD
- Referring one ongoing marketing package starts at a baseline of around $180AUD
Refer a few people our way and your affiliate payouts can quickly add up over time.
If you want to work with us but can’t afford our rates at the moment, refer us to enough other people and your marketing will basically pay for itself!
Becoming a Trust Metric affiliate
Our affiliate program is managed through our payment provider SendOwl.
To join as an affiliate, follow the steps below:
1.) Begin by registering a free SendOwl account by following this link: https://trustmetric.net/affiliate-signup
2.) You will then be presented with terms and conditions. If you agree to them, click “Join”.
3.) After joining you will be able to see your affiliate page, where you can find your unique affiliate link, see commission rates on various products, track purchases made through your referral link and see other useful info.
Making your affiliate link look less like an affiliate link
If you would like to make your referral link look cleaner and you run a wordpress site, we recommend the plugin Pretty Link Lite. This will let you create a custom link like yoursite.com/trustmetric which is more approachable / friendly than a regular affiliate link.
That’s it, go forth and prosper!
A friendly reminder (how not to get yourself banned)
We care about our brand a lot, and don’t want bad publicity, so we ask that you only refer us on to people who you genuinely think will benefit from our services and would be open to hearing about them.
What this boils down to, is that under no circumstances should you spam any person, group, forum, social platform, site or anywhere else with your referral link.
Just so it’s doubly clear 🙂 Please don’t be a spammer! It’s not cool, and no-one will like you.
Anyone found to be spamming will have their affiliate account terminated immediately, forfeiting any outstanding payments in accordance with our affiliate terms and conditions.
Now that’s out of the way, jump on board, we look forward to partnering with you!